MainStreet supports its clients to design and plan meaningful change.
We help translate difficult policy commitments into clear-cut programmes that improve services and reduce costs.
Our deep programme management, business planning and financial modelling experience has brought real benefits to several organisations in the past year.
Explore New
Ways of Working
Much of our current work is in helping public sector organisations generate and explore new ways of meeting financial challenges and service quality expectations.
We have led several options appraisals and risk assessments for new partnership delivery models for social enterprises, trusts, arms-length organisations, shared services or strategic partnering arrangements.
And, increasingly, our work is focusing on how best to manage demand for services.
Secure Long-Term
We already help some of our clients to get the outcomes they want from their ideas and plans through light-touch programme management or commercial advisory support.
This has involved everything from setting priorities and targets, designing ‘delivery units’, collecting data and information, negotiation and benefits realisation.
We’ve done this in areas as diverse as ICT contract re-procurement, social transport partnerships, and local energy supply companies.